Create Order
Create an order in Nash
See Order Address Validation for more info on how Nash validates addresses and how you can use your own geocoding service.
Order input for creating an order.
Order unique identifier from an external system.
The full address in one line for the pickup location. Format: [Number] [Street], [second line], [city], [state], [zip code].
Google place id for the pickup location.
The phone number to contact at the pickup location in the form: '+15555555555'
Pickup business name at the origin. Limited to 80 characters.
First name of the person to pickup from. If unknown pass 'Manager'. Limited to 80 characters.
Last name of the person to pickup from. If unknown pass 'Manager'. Limited to 80 characters.
Any special instructions for pickup. Limited to 280 characters.
A unique identifier for store location created in Nash.
The external identifier used for your store.
A list of store location IDs (internal or external) to consider for the Order. The optimal store will be selected and returned in the response in pickupStoreLocationId
and/or pickupStoreLocationExternalId
A list of zone IDs to consider for the Order. The pickup store location will be selected later via selected delivery window.
Array containing barcode values that are required to be scanned at the pickup waypoint.
The email of the contact at the pickup location.
The full address in one line for the dropoff location. Format: [Number] [Street], [second line], [city], [state], [zip code].
Google place id for the dropoff location.
The phone number to contact at the dropoff location in the form: '+15555555555'
Name of the business at the destination. Should be left empty if there is no business. Limited to 80 characters.
First name of the contact at the destination. Limited to 80 characters.
Last name of the contact at the destination. Limited to 80 characters.
Any special instructions for dropoff. Limited to 280 characters.
Array containing barcode values/types that are required to be scanned at the dropoff waypoint.
The email of the contact at the dropoff location.
'now' or 'scheduled' when the delivery should be scheduled
The earliest pickup time in UTC in the form 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ'
The latest pickup time in UTC in the form 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ'
The earliest dropoff time in UTC in the form 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ'
The latest dropoff time in UTC in the form 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ'
Delivery window id if using Nash delivery windows
Order description and notes. Limited to 280 characters.
The number of items in this order
Local currency
Order value in cents
Tip paid to the driver in cents
Package requirements.
, signature_proof_of_delivery
, photo_proof_of_pickup
, signature_proof_of_pickup
, age_verification_on_delivery
, id_verification_on_delivery
, barcode_scan_on_pickup
, barcode_scan_on_dropoff
, meet_on_delivery
, shipping_label
, two_person_team
, pincode_verification
, schedule_ii_controlled_substances
, alcohol
, parking_check_in
The requested minimum vehicle size.
The dispatch strategy id (or option group id) to be associated with the order
Key-value data to attach to this order.
Optional order tags, they will be included in every response
A non-unique identifier for orders, visible to the courier if supported by the provider.
The number on a house.
Secondary number on an address e.g. an apartment building.
The street of the address.
The city of the pickup address.
The county associated with the pickup address.
The state of the pickup address.
The zip or postal code of the pickup address.
The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of the pickup address.
The pickup latitude coordinate.
The pickup longitude coordinate.
The number on a house.
Secondary number on an address e.g. an apartment building.
The street of the address.
The city of the dropoff address.
The county associated with the dropoff address.
The state of the dropoff address.
The zip or postal code of the dropoff address.
The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of the dropoff address.
The dropoff latitude coordinate.
The dropoff longitude coordinate.
The total weight of the package in kilograms (kg)
The total height of the package in centimeters (cm)
The total width of the package in centimeters (cm)
The total depth of the package in centimeters (cm)
Lists of items in the delivery
Order-level optimization parameters
The id of the order
The date and time when the order was created
The URL of the order in the Nash portal
The URL of the order in the public tracking system
The status of the order
The tags of the order
The external id of the order
A non-unique identifier for orders, visible to the courier if supported by the provider.
Key-value data to attach to Nash Jobs.
The pickup address of the order
Google place id for the pickup location.
The number on a house.
Secondary number on an address e.g. an apartment building.
The street of the address.
The city of the pickup address.
The county associated with the pickup address.
The state of the pickup address.
The zip or postal code of the pickup address.
The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of the pickup address.
The pickup latitude coordinate.
The pickup longitude coordinate.
The phone number to contact at the pickup location in the form: '+15555555555'
First name of the person to pickup from. If unknown pass 'Manager'. Limited to 80 characters.
Last name of the person to pickup from. If unknown pass 'Manager'. Limited to 80 characters.
Pickup business name at the origin.
Any special instructions for pickup.
A unique identifier for store location created in Nash.
The external identifier used for your store.
A list of zone IDs to consider for the Order. The pickup store location will be selected later via selected delivery window.
Array containing barcode values that are required to be scanned at the pickup waypoint.
The dropoff address of the order
Google place id for the dropoff location.
The number on a house.
Secondary number on an address e.g. an apartment building.
The street of the address.
The city of the dropoff address.
The county associated with the dropoff address.
The state of the dropoff address.
The zip or postal code of the dropoff address.
The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of the dropoff address.
The dropoff latitude coordinate.
The dropoff longitude coordinate.
The phone number to contact at the dropoff location in the form: '+15555555555'
First name of the contact at the destination.
Last name of the contact at the destination.
Dropoff business name at the destination.
Any special instructions for dropoff.
A unique identifier for store location created in Nash.
Array containing barcode values that are required to be scanned at the dropoff waypoint.
The delivery mode of the order
The start time of the pickup window.
The end time of the pickup window.
The start time of the dropoff window.
The end time of the dropoff window.
The description of the order
The number of items in the order
The requirements of the order
The requested minimum vehicle size.
The currency of the order
The value of the order in cents
The tip amount of the order in cents
The width of the order in cm
The depth of the order in cm
The height of the order in cm
The volume of the order in cm^3
The weight of the order in kg
The items of the order
The dispatch strategy id of the order
The documents of the order
The validation errors of the order
The quotes of the order
The failed quotes of the order