API EndpointCorresponding Nash Portal URL
Production (AU)https://api.ap-southeast-2.usenash.com/v1https://portal.usenash.com
Sandbox (AU)https://api.ap-southeast-2.usenash.com/v1https://portal.sandbox.usenash.com


All activity in the Production environment will be billed.

When you’re getting ready to launch into production, follow the steps in Getting Started to generate your production API Key credentials. This will require prior approval from your account manager at Nash.


The Nash Sandbox is a free and fully-featured environment that allows you to test your integration without sending requests to actual drivers. All Nash API functionality is supported in the Sandbox environment.

Most endpoints can be immediately tested in Sandbox with no extra configuration. Nash’s sandbox uses simulated fleet data with real fleet integrations, and unlike Production, it is free to use. This enables you to test your implementation in “production-like” conditions. Please note that the prices reflected in Sandbox do not reflect Production settings.

Fleet Simulators

Nash has a set of FleetSimulators which are mock fleets that will emulate scenarios you might encounter while using Nash in a production setting.

Fleet simulators will start the job based on the scheduled pickup time.

  • FleetSimulator: will cycle through several job statuses from Driver Not Assigned up until Dropoff Complete
  • FleetSimulatorFast: same as FleetSimulator but with a shorter cycling interval between statuses.
  • FailingFleetSimulator: will send you a “Failed” fleet status.

Differences between Sandbox and Production

While we try to make the Sandbox environment mimic Production as much as possible, there are a few limitations that you should be aware of:

  • SMS notifications are not triggered in Sandbox.
  • The behavior of fleets and fleet simulators is not an indication of how fleets will behave in the real world. In practice.